08071596534 | 8447226007


Plastic Cell Filled Concrete

Construction Cell Fill may readily be restored with minimal work and expense when the personal block fails. Because growing or shrinking joints are not required, joint preservation is removed. When compared to standard CC pavements, collection consumption is over 50% lower. Recycled plastic is used.


Geogrid is formerly solely employed in the building of retaining walls. Due to the rigidity and strength of the ribs, the perforations allow for strike-through of the cover soil material, which then interlocks with the ribs, enabling confinement of the overlaying granular/soil material.


Geonet is widely used in various applications like soft foundation treatment, slope protection, coastal slope protection, reservoir bottom reinforcement, geonet earthquake, and other projects. This has an extruded three-dimensional bi-planar core constructed of virgin high-density polyethylene for high-load flow.


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